All posts under: Articles
Arguably the most anticipated movie of this generation, Avengers: End Game pre-sale tickets went on sale at 7 a.m. central time. With the surge in traffic from the crazed Marvel fans, AMC servers were no match for the demand. At the time that I am writing this, 4 hours later, …
I take great pride in my nerd shirt collection. Much like my tattoos, my choice of tee shirt is a form of expression. The occasional walker-by that would shoot me the “nice shirt bro” or the person at the checkout counter that gets a huge smile and points to the …
While walking from interview to interview I was constantly on the lookout for interesting cosplay to bring to our audience. As I was too busy to attend the cosplay contest, I still managed to flag a few down that stood out to me. There may have been some others that …
We are having a contest to give away a comic straight out of the creator of The Nerd Cantina’s personal collection. Steve is sacrificing his “Zen-pool” issue, signed by cover artist Mark Brooks, to a lucky subscriber. If you are a current subscriber, or have subscribed by the end of …
Gaming has become one of the largest markets in the entertainment industry. With an estimated $98 billion being generated in 5 countries alone according to Newzoo. That is an enormous portion of the entertainment pie. With so many games releasing every year that still hold the same $60 price tag …
Tonight I watched a Friday night show that I really look forward to every week. You wouldn’t know it from this blog but I am very active in current events, politics, science, and the IDW (intellectual dark web). I wrote an article of the benefits of podcasts here because I …
The highs and lows of MoviePass were widely talked about. I even wrote an article when I canceled my subscription on why. Since then I decided to go with AMC’s more expensive yet valuable competitive program. In using both there are many differences between the two programs and although A-list …