Captain Marvel is Marvel-less: A Spoiler Free Review
The origin story formula is a hard one to master. Marvel has attempted many and has done well on average. Captain Marvel does a successful job of introducing, what is expected to be, a major player in the MCU. Unsuccessfully, like a bad date your mom set up, Captain Marvel is uneventful and at times tries too hard. You force out laughs at jokes that are kind of funny, while faking interest as you’re being told stories from the past. Yes we remember the 90’s. What the producers didn’t remember was that this movie is wedged between the two biggest movies in the last two years and a slow paced origin story was not going to sit well.
The acting and character direction in Captain Marvel was a bit off as well. Brie Larson (Carol Danvers) plays a spunky pilot turned Kree warrior. Where some may see character flaws, others may ignore totally. Your enjoyment of this film and its characters will be determined by how much you are willing to accept. Samuel L. Jackson‘s portrayal of a young Nick Fury is almost upsetting. Jude Law (Yon-Rogg) is good enough to entertain and Annette Bening (Mar-vell) brings forth a similar performance as well. Ben Mendelsohn (Talos) has an acting style that is off putting. He has had some major nerd roles as of late and all have left a bad aftertaste.
Captain Marvel isn’t a bad movie, however you’d be hard pressed to call it a good movie. They take the girl power theme and really try to cram it in. You can assume this was in hopes of having the same affect for woman as Black Panther had for the African-American audience. In this they fell short. It may be because I have seen men kicking ass since Alyssa Milano was kidnapped and Arnold had to raise hell to save her (a no-prize to those who can comment that movie reference), but this didn’t seem genuine. Not that the girl power theme isn’t needed, and others have done it well, but in Captain Marvel it just didn’t fit right. A movie for all ages, Marvel offers up some cool easter eggs and jokes that will expose your age. Stay for all the credits there are 2 end scenes. Hopefully, as we exit the origin part of Captain Marvel, she will return in End Game and solidify herself as one of the most powerful characters in the entire MCU. Regardless of what’s said here, it’s an easy bet to say you will still see the movie so come back after and leave a comment and rating below.
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