The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang: Book Review

The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang
The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang
The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang

Will Scripps is in his mid-20s and working covertly on the Manhattan Project during World War II. His younger sister Maggie finds her own way of contributing to the war effort by training as a welder at the Navy Yard. The siblings have been able to make their own way and follow the rules while admirably demonstrating their patriotism – that is, until discover an unconscious, beautiful woman hiding under their back stairs. Will’s first instinct is to mind his own business and leave her be. Maggie, however, insists on taking her in and caring for her. Once the woman wakes up, they slowly realize she is more than just a privileged woman with an expensive lifestyle. The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding by Lydia Kang demonstrates that not is all as it seems – in a time where women had more opportunity to contribute, they also had more opportunity to deceive. 

Will and Maggie have a complicated relationship. They are half-siblings whose mother took her own life about ten years prior to the book’s events. Some time later, Maggie attempted to take her life in the same way – causing Will to pull out of his studies at Columbia and return home to take care of his sister. As a result, he has almost a fatherly protection over her, albit knowing he cannot provide her with a lifestyle she might desire. Nevertheless, they make it work and all seems well. That is, until Ruby Fielding – first introducing herself as Laurel – enters the picture. 

Throughout the events of The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding, the Scripps siblings secretly search for any clues as to who this mystery woman might be, since she reveals very little about herself other than begging them not to call the police. The more they (and us readers) learn about and observe her, the more certain they are that she has malicious intent. For example, her mother is a physician who specializes in poisons, they randomly find dead rats around their property, Ruby adds mysterious and deadly plants in the house and yard, and she often sneaks off when no one is around. Despite these actions, both Will and Maggie fall deeper and deeper under her spell, complicating the situation even more. 

Lydia Kang is no newbie to published works, but this is the first book of hers I’ve read. That being said, the pace seemed appropriate throughout the book and the characters are successfully introduced and then some. Despite the title, this story is not just about Ruby, but also (and arguably more) about the Scripps and their hardships. The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding joins two classes of people together in WW2-era New York, with everyone playing their part in the war. Kang tells the story from mostly the Scripps siblings points of view, dangling the details so that readers share the suspense as they try to figure out who this woman is and why she ended up at their house. 

It’s not often that I get to read historical fiction, but this book reminded me how interesting the genre can be and how much talent it takes to do it well. Once I thought I had Ruby figured out, Kang drops a few more details and events that made me reconsider everything that happened before. I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves historical fiction – especially works set in this time period and region. 

Lydia Kang joins us for a Cantina Conversation were we discuss the research involved, her experiences as a published author, and what advice she would give to her characters. Stay tuned for an upcoming episode of The Nerd Cantina Show podcast and pre-order The Half-Life of Ruby Fielding, available May 1.

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About: Megan McCarthy-Biank

I've been reading for pleasure for a very long time. Back in 2019, Steve asked me to write book reviews for the website, and then I teamed up with him to do some interviews at C2E2 2020. Since then, I've been lucky enough to connect with authors and their publishers for upcoming book releases and interview opportunities, which then become Cantina Conversations for the podcast. Any fellow bookworms are encouraged to read my book reviews and listen to the author interviews. You can also find me on Goodreads.

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