Starting My Journey Into Comics

- Starting My Journey Into Comics
I have long had a few ideas that I felt were worthy of pursuing. In the past I have sat on many of these only to see bastard versions be brought into fruition. After creating this blog, and recently a podcast, I have now grown the confidence enough to pursue my own goals of creating and put them forth into the world. I will be journaling my experiences in bringing my first story to the world and sharing them in a series on The Nerd Cantina.
So let me bring you up to date. I have had a few ideas in my head for years. Normally I get a good idea and I will forget it in a short amount of time. With these two they have sat in my frontal lobe long enough to almost become an annoyance. It is to the point where I need to do something with them just to get them out of my brain to make room for other things. Once I decided that I actually needed to use these ideas I started reaching out to people that I know have created in the past or currently. Once I started having these conversations not only was it apparent that this was going to be a lot of hard work, but something that was achievable.
The first conversation I had was with Sean Mullen. He is the writer and creator of The Wolf In Me webtoon. I started asking him questions of how to take an idea and turn it into something solid that can be pitched to other creators. Only a few minutes into that conversation I realized this was information that others might find valuable so we stopped the discussion and scheduled Sean as a guest on the podcast. You can listen to that conversation at
After picking Seans brain and giving my motivation some direction I started actually writing. I started writing descriptive outlines for each issue. I currently have 3 issues fully outlined and am doing research to continue the outline process. While doing that I am also trying to form a script for issue 1. I realize that it will take some time to get the first issue published and I don’t want to delay that time frame by writing issues that will not release in this calendar year. I am looking to start the next steps with issue 1 and continue my outlines in the down time of issue 1. In trying to figure out the next step in getting the first issue created and published we reached out to another comic creator that has used crowdfunding as a means to produce his works. We recorded that conversation for the podcast and you can find that conversation at .
That brings us to our current situation. I have started the process using the lessons that Sean had taught me, and now I am doing research on the tools that Felipe has given us. I have many things on my to-do list that will lead us up to launching our first Kickstarter campaign and I will be taking note the whole way to share with you. I hope you will come along with me on this journey and support us when the time comes. I am really excited to be taking this creative leap and hope you will enjoy it. Be on the lookout for the next post in this series on creating my first comic, A Case of the Humans (working title).
About: Steve Vingua
- Previous Cantina Conversations with Felipe Cagno- How To Get A Comic Funded On Kickstarter
- Next Rock Paper Wizard – A Board Game Review