My Quarantine Board Game List

Right now I have a lot of time at home with my wife and 2 kids, 6 and 8 years old, due to the “stay at home” order during the COVID-19 pandemic. This time makes me grateful for all the board games that I keep purchasing in spite of my wife’s insistence that we have enough games. I figured that I could put together a quick list of games that we are using to pass the time. These are all games that are great with adults but also thoroughly enjoyed with the kids. I have to put out the disclaimer that my 6 year old is unusually adept at playing strategy games recommended normally for teens at the earliest. If you have a young one, modify the rules, make it fun and you may be surprised to find that you can still play your favorite games with your kids.
This is the newest game in my house. This is a bright and brilliant game simple enough to grasp the concepts and strategies quickly. This was no problem for the youngest in my house to pick up right away. The ease at which you learn the game does not mean that there is no strategy, there are still plenty of bragging rights to be won by the adults. The physical “planet” that each player controls draws the whole family in as you compete to make your planet more habitable than the others. For less than $30, it is an easy decision to add to your rotation.

Settlers of Catan
No surprise here. Catan has become a staple on every top board game list for several years now. Even with that many still believe this is only for the avid board gamers. Yes, I play this game with adults but I also play this regularly with a 6 and 8 year old. Skip the Catan Junior version and just play the regular game with kids. With some simple rule changes it becomes much easier to learn.
If you are interested in learning how I got my kids into Catan, here’s how we played:
First, play to 7 points with cities, settlements, and longest road only. No robber and no development cards. Instead of moving the robber when 7 is rolled, just give the roller any resource of their choice. Once the kids get the hang of that, add in development cards (my kids only wanted to purchase cards). Finally, once they get cocky on competing with the simple rules you get to bring in the cold harsh reality of the robber and the 7 card limit. In a span of a couple of games the kids were applying their own strategy which consists of being the stingiest traders the world has ever seen.
Catan Explorers and Pirates
If you are already a fan of the original it may be the right time to grab an expansion. This edition was my kids choice and it brings in the added elements of pirates and a little bit of mystery. This is the favorite expansion pack in my household.
Ticket to Ride
This is a staple game and there are many variations to be found. The original still finds a heavy rotation in my home. This is a game that is relatively fast to play, less than an hour, with a simple game design. The strategy is complex enough for the extremely competitive player but you could also take it easy and play a friendly family game.
This is a very popular dungeon adventure game. The gameplay is always a good time. It is easy to learn the rules and there are an endless amount of opportunities to really crush the spirits of your opponents. The cleverly written and illustrated cards are worth the $20, This is a game I offer up to every guest and friend that comes over for game night.
Monopoly Deal
All the fun of Monopoly but without it being that long boring game of Monopoly. This game plays out in 15 minutes and is easy enough to teach new players as you go. There is some strategy to be played and the tables can turn on you quickly. Play this game with 2 people or 5, either way it is a great game to keep in a drawer in your house. Just get this green version, not the blue. The blue version’s cards are visually tough to read and makes the game harder to play.
5 Minute Marvel
5 Minute Dungeon was a great game that started on Kickstarter and it has now reached well deserved popularity. The original is a fun and challenging game that will get you and up to 3 others shouting at each other to cooperatively defeat the dungeon boss. There are lots of ways to mix things up in this game to keep it always interesting. Including the time it takes to get this out of your closet and set up, this game is only a 10-minute commitment. The actual game-play takes 5 minutes give-or-take based on how you use your time stopping wizardry. Download the app to make controlling of time more enjoyable. 5 Minute Marvel is essentially the same game with a Marvel twist. If you prefer your beloved comic book heroes and villain or the original is sold-out, oftentimes it is, pick up 5 Minute Marvel instead.
5 Minute Dungeon-
Unstable Unicorns
Card games are an easy commitment for us in our household as they take up little space. Unstable Unicorns is a great game with cute but vicious unicorn cards. The kids love the illustrations and the game play is easy to grasp. The original deck provides for a quick strategy card game and there seem to be an endless amount of expansion packs to pick up if you and your gaming group fall in love with it.
Teraforming Mars
We previously did a full review on this game and you can read the in-depth gameplay review at This game is an outstanding indie game that is well worth the listed price of $69.99 but at the time of writing this it is on sale for less than $45. This is a game for any family or group that enjoys board games. It has a unique cooperative component but you are still competing for an overall victory throughout. If you want to know more, read the review or don’t and just buy it.
Let me know what games you would add in the comments below or start a conversation over at
Tags terraforming marsunstable unicorns5 minute marvelboard gamesMonopolygame nightmonopoly dealcorona virusmunchkincovidplanetfamily game nightquarantinecatansocial distancingsettlers of catanticket to ride
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