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Wonder Woman 1984: A Spoiler Free Review

Well here we are. After months of quarantines and shut downs we have reached the long slow death of movie theaters as we have previously known them. Wonder Woman 1984 will be the first in a long list of WB properties that will release on the subscription based service HBO Max alongside theatrical release. As I have been vocal in my support for the theaters, leave it to WB and the DC movie franchise to enlighten me on the benefits of not wasting my limited free time sitting in the theater watching a film that doesn't deserve my attention. After a strong origin movie that had room to be improved on, WW84 completely fails in taking any positive aspects of the origin film and using them to craft a quality sequel.

Gal Gadot (Diana Prince) returns as the mightiest woman in the DCEU. She brings the same beauty and strength as she did in her first rendition of the character although her performance was mediocre and could not save a drawn out story that barely advances her character in the slightest. Chris Pine (Steve Trevor) once again plays the love interest of Diana in a role that felt very contractually obligated. It's as if someone forgot to tell the writers of the first movie he was signed on for a second film. Playing a "man out of his time" role for comedic relief, Pine was entertaining portraying a role that felt very forced. Our antagonists in the second film are Kristen Wiig (Barbara Minerva) and Pedro Pascal (Maxwell Lord). Pedro has built up enough credit with fans to play a mediocre villian in a bad comic book movie. Not to tarnish his name it will just be said, this is not the way. Wiig does a great job at introducing a character that we can watch transform throughout the film and brings some added sensuality to film. Her performance was truly enjoyable.

Sequels are usually known for being more action packed than the origin film. It is highly disappointing that WW84 dragged worse than the film that introduced the entire character. You find yourself grateful viewing the film in a location where you are allowed to scroll on your phone. A film that barely builds on a fan favorite character, WW84 fails to grab your attention after over an hour into the film. Character expansions that should be exciting end up being cringe worthy, and someone needs to introduce the FX department to Twitter so they can take notes. Aside from poor writing and timing, WW84 attempts to tap into the 80's nostalgia trend. Unlike Stranger Things, WW84 doesn't hit us in the feels of our great childhood memories. It attempts to show the comically absurd trends and only reminds us of why most couldn't wait until the 90's started. HBO Max will tell you they released this on Christmas free for subscribers to show the value of their service. It's hard to believe now that WB didn't takes this opportunity to save face from a dismal box office showing that was bound to happen pandemic or not.

The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.


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