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Replicas: A Spoiler Free Review

Believability is an important part of of the movie experience. Whether its a sci-fi movie, horror, super hero, or love story, you want to be able to imagine yourself in a similar situation and that takes a certain portion of the movie having a shared reality with the viewer. Replicas couldn't care less about your believability and force feeds you a poorly imagined story that fails in concept and delivery. It is hard to describe how bad this story was told without giving away any details. From start to finish it spits in the face of any form of reality you try to put to it. Replicas uses science that many of us are aware of in a very futuristic manner while taking basic societal norms that we use everyday and blatantly ignores them. So many things were done poorly. From the cheap Tony Stark computer simulations to the horrible robotics CGI, Replicas could only be saved by the acting and it's cast could not bear that burden.

It is hard to believe that Keanu Reeves (Will Foster) signed on to a project so poorly delivered. Hopefully Replicas was pitched to him much differently, and given the lack of publicity for this movie, it's doubtful anyone was happy with the final product. Keanu put his usual strong effort in but with such a rushed and unbelievable plot even his character becomes frustrating. Alice Eve (Mona) is a good supporting actress however her role is not featured as much as her costars. Replicas was put on Keanu's shoulders and the poorly written and produced concept was too much for any actor to bear. Thomas Middleditch (Ed) is Keanu's main costar and only adds to the confusing chain of events that leave you, for lack of a better term, calling bullshit throughout the movie. Normally all three stars are a pleasure to watch on screen. Replicas will be a stain on their IMDB pages.

Replicas release date was pushed back multiple times. We can assume at this point it was so they could shop this movie to streaming mediums and avoid the public shame of low box office numbers and reviews. Unfortunately they didn't and luckily we are here to save you from wasting valuable time and money seeing a film that is better for home viewing. The best way to enjoy Replicas will be in a room with friends where everyone can unload their frustrations at the screen for all in the room to enjoy. A movie not targeted for children although they could watch it, but why do you hate your kids that much? Replicas had an interesting concept but by the finale the audience will only regret not having one that they could of sent to see this movie.

The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the master.


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