All posts under: Reviews
With theaters starting to dust off the projectors around the nation, there have been a few releases not competing for views with newly formed streaming services. Nobody is a new release featuring a fan favorite leading actor that always seems to deliver. Following the Hollywood model of scorned unknown assassins, …
After years of hashtags, online petitions, rumors, speculations, and down right begging HBO Max has released the infamous “Snyder Cut”. Justice League’s horrible theatrical version has been blamed on the edits and reshoots made by Joss Whedon after Zack Snyder’s tragic family loss forced him to abandon the project. Many …
Cerrin is a young woman with a relentless drive, unapologetic leadership, and unchallenged faith in herself and a particular god of battle. Sonus is an engineer with a sharp brain, negotiation skills, and compassionate heart. The one thing they have in common: they are both slaves. Wild Sun by Ehsan …