About: Steve Vingua
Posts by: Steve Vingua
This week we cover the weekly news starting with our initial thoughts on the new Apple TV service. We discuss the latest surrounding the Game of Thrones showrunners leaving Star Wars and the upcoming Game of Thrones prequels. The president of Blizzard addresses the mistakes made with regards to the …
In this week’s show the guys discuss the first episode of Watchmen. Nasa had it’s first all female spacewalk. Police robots patrol the beach. Nasa spends millions to investigate marijuana culture and Huawei wants in the American market bad. Thanks for listening. If you wish to share your opinions with the …
This week is dominated by nerd culture colliding with social issues. Blizzard suppresses free speech in order to secure Chinese money. The recent mass shooting in Germany misuses Twitch to stream violence. A terminally ill doctor transforms himself into the first cyborg. There is some new information released on Playstation …